Money Laundering : Decoding the Law & Measures of Prevention

The statute of Money Laundering i.e., the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 has been enacted to combat money laundering in India. It has the following three aims:

  • To prohibit and control money laundering;
  • To provide for the confiscation and seizure of property obtained through money laundered; and
  • To deal with any other issue connected with money laundering in India.
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6 Months


Course Outcome:

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Examine and analyze the various factors which play an important role in the investigation of the offence of money laundering.
  • Appreciate the need of statutes to govern such economic offences.
  • Trace the steps involved in detecting money laundering.
  • Identify the channels used for conducting the offence.
  • Understand the loopholes exploited for illicit gains by unscrupulous criminals.

Course Outline:

  • Module 1 – The Law of Money Laundering
  • Module 2 – Bilateral and Reciprocal Agreements
  • Module 3 – Special Obligations of Banking Institutions, Banking Companies, Financial Institutions and Intermediaries
  • Module 4 – Judicial Efforts to curb the Offence of Money Laundering
  • Module 5 – Conclusion
  • Certification Exam/ Assessment

About the Author

Poli Kataki did her LLB from the Delhi University and Masters in Business law from NLSIU, Bangalore. She is an Advocate on Record, Supreme Court of India. Poli has wide ranging experience in the matters related to Commercial Laws, Company Laws, Customs and Excise, Arbitration Laws, etc. She has attended various seminars and conferences at the National and International level. Her contribution towards drafting the guidelines pertaining to Darjeeling being covered under the sixth schedule area has been widely recognized. She has also been appointed as a Local Commissioner by the Delhi High Court in a Company Petition and has been involved in the Drafting, Settling and Vetting of contracts of different nature such as Rent Agreement, Sale Deed, Memorandum of Incorporation, etc. The Instructional Design of the Course has been done by Team LawSkills.

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